INSTRUCTIONS FOR CERTIFICATION OF THE SIGNATURE ON DOCUMENTS Witnessing of the signature on documents wriitten in the Serbian language (power of attorney, general statements, inheritance statement, or similar), for use in the Republic of Serbia, can be done at the Consulate General of Serbia in Sydney for citizens of the Republic of Serbia only, who live abroad, on the basis of a valid document of idetification (photo ID). The presented document is signed in person in front of the Consula Officer of the Consulate General of Serbia in Sydney. If the document for certification written in the Serbian language (power of attorney, consents, statements etc.) is sent by post, witnessing of the signature and identification of the person signing the documents must be done by a registered Justice of the Peace (JP) before the document is sent to the Consulate for certification (please see instructions below). Note: Agreement between Serbia and Montenegro regarding the provision of consular assistance and services in third countries, dated 19/04/2013 in Podgorica, took effect on 16/06/2014. Parties to the Agreement can bilaterally offer consular assistance and services to their citizens at the representing diplomatic-consular posts in third countries, in the case where one of the parties does not have their own diplomatic-consular representative. CERTIFICATION OF INHERITANCE STATEMENTS RENOUNCING THE RIGHT TO INHERITANCE OR ACCEPTING INHERITANCE AND AT THE SAME TIME RENOUNCING IT IN FAVOUR OF ANOTHER HEIR According to current regulations of the Republic of Serbia stipulate, Inheritance statements renouncing the right to inheritance or where the inheritor accepts the inheritance and at the same time transfers it to another heir, or the inheritor accepts their share of inheritance as well as inheritance of other inheritors' which has been renounced in their favour, can only be certified by the Consulate General of Serbia, in the legally approved (solemnised) format, in person. It is therefore necessary for the person giving this type of inheritance statement, to attend the Consulate in person in order to be identified, using a valid document of the Republic of Serbia (passport, ID card or driver licence) or an Australian or New Zealand personal document (passport or driver licence). It is also essential that the text provided in the Power of Attorney or Statement is prepared by a qualified person in Serbia (solicitor or Notary Public). Power of Attorney or Statements must be signed at the Consulate. For certification of this type of Inheritance Statement, it is important that the stated documents first be emailed to the Consulate, with a scanned copy of a valid Serbian passport or ID card or a valid foreign passport ( Upon receipt of the email, an appointment will be made to attend the Consulate and finalise solemnisation of the documents. Appointments are booke on-line in the e-CONSULATE. The Consulate General is not authorised to prepare notarised statements, nor to solemnise private documents such as transfer of property contracts (land, apartment, house, or similar), including contracts of sale or exchange, gift, life time support, transfer, division of assets for life or similar. These transactions can only be undertaken by the Notary Public of the territory in Serbia where the property is located. Certification fee: $152.00 CERTIFICATION OF OTHER DOCUMENTS, AUTHORISATIONS AND STATEMENTS, INCLUDING INHERITANCE STATEMENTS BY WHICH INHERITANCE IS ACCEPTED & POWERS OF ATTORNEY FOR GIVING INHERITANCE STATEMENTS Certification of other private documents (power of attorney, authorisations, statements), including statements by which Inheritance is accepted, Power of Attorney for giving Inheritance Statements by third parties, Power of Attorney documents involving Real Estate contracts of sale, as well as third party consent involving real estate contracts, written in the Serbian language, in cyrillic, can be done by the Consulate either in person or by post. When attending the Consulate in Sydney, the person signing the private documents is required to be identified by a valid document of ID with photo (eg. passport, ID card, driver licence) . The document for certification is signed at the Consulate, their signature is witnessed by a Consular Officer, and the document is registered in the Legalisation Registry. For those who are unable to attend the Consulate in person, due to distance or other reasons, their private documents (power of attorney, consents, statements etc.), can be certified by post. In that case, witnessing of the signature and identification of the person signing the documents must be done by a registered Justice of the Peace (JP) before the document is sent to the Consulate for certification. The JP is required to witness your signature on two copies of the same document for certification (one will be certified and return to you, the other will be kept by the Consulate) as well as a copy of your valid photo ID. Two copies of the signed document witnessed by the JP and a certified copy of your ID are then sent to the Consulate for certification, by post. In addition to the documents for certification and certified copy of your ID, if posting within Australia, please include a pre paid self addressed envelope (express post recommended). If attending in person, an appointment is required, by booking on-line in the e-CONSULATE. Document Certification Fees:
Note: You can find the payment instructions for fees on the homepage. Note: Consular fees vary for services provided to citizens of other countries by bilateral agreement. CERTIFICATION OF DOCUMENTS BY APOSTILLE Like Serbia, Australia and New Zealand are signatories to the Hague Convention where foreign documents legalised by the “Apostille” Certificate (stamp), are accepted for use in countries who are signatories to the Convention. Powers of Attorney authorising a third person to act on behalf of the signatory, for example, sign contracts of sale involving real estate, and other private documents, may be certified (ie. legalised) by “Apostille”. Apostilled documents automatically become legal for use in Serbia and do not have to be sent to the Consulate for certification. Before a document can be Apostilled by the government authority, the private document must be signed in front of a Notary Public. The document is then presented to the relevant government authority for legalisation by Apostille:
If the certified document is in English, it needs to be translated into Serbian language, in cyrillic, by an authorised translator. Please note, Australian and New Zealand authorities will not authenticate documents witnessed by a Justice of the Peace (JP). Apostille Certificate legalised the signature and stamp of a Notary Public only. For all additional information, please contact the Consulate General. |