TRANSPORT PERMIT FOR BURIAL OF HUMAN REMAINS IN SERBIA The following documents are to be submitted to the Consulate General of Serbia in Sydney for approval of repatriation of the remains of a deceased person to Serbia: 1) Death Certificate, legalised by APOSTILLE certificate, translated into Serbian language, in cyrillic, by a certified NAATI translator. APOSTILLE certificates are issued by the relevant government department - In Australia: Australian Passports Office Legalisation Services (Ph: 131 232 or visit, in NZ - NZ government (Ph: 0800 872 675 or visit;
2) Health Department Certificate;
5) Preparation Certificate issued by the Funeral Parlour; The following information is also required:
Bill of Lading fee is AUD $6.00. Note: You can find the payment instructions for fees on the homepage. Postage requirements: Please provide a pre-paid self-addressed express or registered post envelope. If applying in person, an appointment is required, by booking on-line in the e-CONSULATE.
If applying for transit only, in addition to the above information, please include: Applications for the Bill of Lading (Mortuary Passport) are treated with priority and are processed urgently upon receipt of the required documentation.
Please note that longer processing time is required if no proof of a citizenship status was submitted, or if the deceased died from an infectious disease. In such cases, this Consulate General is required to seek the approval from the relevant authorities in Serbia before issuing the Bill of Lading (Mortuary Passport). |