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Travel Documents



The biometric passport of the Republic of Serbia is the valid and official travel document of the Republic of Serbia. Passport applications need to be lodged in person at the Consulate General of the Republic of Serbia in Sydney and for the ACT residents only at the Consular Section of the Embassy of the R. Serbia in Canberra. An appointment is required for each applicant, by booking on-line in the e-CONSULATE.

In relation to MINORS (children under the age of 18) consent of both parents is required, either in person or in writing. Written consent is in the form of a written statement signed in front of a JP (CONSENT form) and a certified copy of valid photo ID, or parental order issued by a Family Law Court.

For first time Biometric passport applicants, please provide the following documents at the time of interview:

  1. Original Birth Certificate from the Serbian Registry of Births (with hologram).
  2. Original Citizenship Certificate from the Serbian Registry of Citizens (with hologram).
  3. Valid or expired passport, if available.
  4. Proof of Australian/NZ citizenship or residence permit (Passport or Visa grant letter)
  5. A valid document of identification with a photo, such as: ID Card,  Passport or Driver licence.
  6. Passport application fee is AUD $ 114.00 or AUD $ 123.00, if the current passport validity period is greater than 7 months, or if the current passport has been damaged, filled or is worn out and cannot serve its purpose, plus postage (if applicable).

Note: You can find the payment instructions for fees on the homepage.

If you already have a valid Biometric passport, ie. that has not yet expired, older copies of the birth and citizenship certificates are acceptable.

In the case where the name of an applicant has been changed, if the change has not been registered in the Registry of Births in Serbia, the name that is recorded on the Birth Certificate at the time of application, will be entered in the passport, provided the applicants has current photo ID in the same name.

The passport application process consists of taking a digital photo, a signature and fingerprints from the applicant. The original documents are scanned and all collected data is sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Belgrade for processing.

Please note, it may take up to 60 days before the biometric passport is received from Serbia, due to postage delays. If applying in Serbia, processing time is two (2) weeks.

When the new passport arrives from Serbia, the Consulate informs the applicant by phone in order to arrange a pick up. Passports can be collected by the applicant, by their authorised representative or by another form of delivery (eg. registered/express mail, DHL) which may incur additional delivery costs.

Note: Original Birth and Citizenship Certificates can also be ordered through the Consulate General in Sydney (please refer to "Obtaining documents from Serbia")


If a valid passport of the Republic of Serbia is lost/stolen, prior to reporting the loss to the Consulate General of the Republic of Serbia, the passport holder should first:

  1. Report the theft or loss of passport to the Police and obtain a Police report;

Reporting the loss of Passport to the Consulate General of Serbia

Required documents:

  1. Proof from the Australian/New Zealand Police that the theft/loss of the passport has been reported;
  2. completed report form for the lost/stolen passport (MS Word or PDF )
  3. statement of loss of the passport  (Statement - MS Word or PDF )
  4. original document of identity (valid ID card or driver license issued in the Republic of Serbia);
  5. original citizenship certificate of the Republic Serbia, with hologram;
  6. original birth certificate issued by the Serbian Registry of Births, with hologram;
  • Passport cancellation fee: AU $43.00

 Note: You can find the payment instructions for fees on the homepage.


Upon receipt of the application with relevant documents the Consulate General will initiate the appropriate procedure to declare lost/stolen passport invalid, with the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia.

The Consulate General will notify the applicant when they received the official confirmation from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, that the passport is declared "invalid" and invite the applicant to make an appointment to apply for a new biometric passport. Please note that the appointment will only be booked after receiving the official confirmation from the Ministry in Serbia. 


Emergency Travel Document is a document for travelling in one direction, which may be issued in exceptional circumstances if a person does not have a valid passport of the Republic of Serbia, subject to approval by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia. The travel document is valid for travel within 60 days only.

In exceptional circumstances, the Consulate General is authorized to issue a Travel Document without the prior approval of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, if the identity and citizenship status of the applicant are indisputable, including:

A) If the Diplomatic/Consular Mission of the Republic of Serbia, where the application for a travel document is lodged, had previously issued the Passport of the FR Yugoslavia (on blue covers), or Passport of the Republic of Serbia to the Applicant.

B) If the Applicant presents the original extract of the Serbian Citizenship Certificate which is not be older than 6 months from the date of issue and a proof of his/her citizenship status (copy of the expired Passport of Federative Republic of Yugoslavia, or the biometric Passport of the Republic of Serbia, or the biometric Identity Card, etc.)

Application process - please provide the following:

  1. completed application form (PDF or MS Word), signed and witnessed by a Consular Officer or by a registered Justice of the Peace, if applying by mail;
  2. 2 passport size photographs of the Applicant (3.5 x 4.5cm);
  3. original Serbian Citizenship Certificate, with hologram;
  4. copy of expired biometric passport of the Republic of Serbia, if available;
  5. copy of a valid photo ID document (Driver’s license, ID Card);
  6. application fee of AUD$ 70.00 (plus postage if required), paid in cash at the Consulate, or if the application is sent by mail, money order or bank cheque payable to “The Consulate General of the Republic of Serbia”. 

In relation to MINORS (children under the age of 18) consent of both parents is required, either in person or in writing (ie. signature and copy of valid photo ID certified by a JP).

For lodgement in person at the Consulate, an appointment is required, by booking on-line in the e-CONSULATE.

Postage (if applying by post): $7.00 AUD for postage in Australia, $18.00 AUD for international postage to NZ.


For Citizens of the Republic of Montenegro who are travelling to Montenegro, the Serbian Consular/Diplomatic Mission has to obtain the approval of the relevant Montenegro authorities before a Travel Document can be issued.

Application process - please provide the following:

  1. completed application form (MS Word), signed and witnessed by a Consular Officer, or by a registered Justice of the Peace, if applying by mail;
  2. 2 passport size photographs of the Applicant (3.5 x 4.5cm);
  3. original Montenegro Citizenship Certificate, with hologram;
  4. copy of expired biometric passport of the Republic of Montenegro, if available;
  5. copy of a valid photo ID document (Driver’s license, ID Card);

Application fee is AUD$ 128.00 

Note: You can find the payment instructions for fees on the homepage.

For lodgement in person at the Consulate, an appointment is required, by booking on-line in the e-CONSULATE.


The Consulate General can issue an Emergency Travel Document for travel to Serbia for a newborn child.

Application process - please provide the following:

  1. Completed application form (PDF or MS Word), signed by the parents and witnessed by a Consular Officer. If applying by mail, the signatures must be witnessed by a Justice of the Peace;
  2. Two passport size photographs of the child (3.5 x 4.5cm);
  3. Original birth certificate of the child - if born in Australia/NZ, legalised by "APOSTILLE" certificate and translated into Serbian language;
  4. Evidence of Serbian citizenship of parents (copy of valid Serbian passport or citizenship certificate, with hologram);
  5. Written consent from both parents is required. Applications from only one parents can be made with a parenting court order stating parental responsibility for travel documents;
  6. Application fee of $70.00 AUD (plus postage if required).

Note: You can find the payment instructions for fees on the homepage.

For lodgement in person at the Consulate, an appointment is required, by booking on-line in the e-CONSULATE.

Print version
Consular services
Notification of death of deceased persons abroad
Obtaining documents
Visas for Montenegro
List of received biometric passports
Travel Documents
Registration of birth and citizenship of a child
Notification of marriage that was performed by a foreign authority
Repatriation of Human Remains to Serbia
Documents Certification
Military Service
Other Services
Travel Abroad
Consular Fees