Marriage registration
In order to register a marriage solemnised in Australia or NZ, in the Civil Registry of Marriages in Serbia, it is necessary to provide the following documents:
Completed Application Form (MS WORD or PDF form)
Completed Statement of Spouses (MS WORD or PDF form)
Original Marriage Certificate, legalised by “Apostille” certificate and translated into Serbian language, in cyrillic, by a certified NAATI translator (
Photo-copy of Citizenship Certificates of both spouses;
Photo-copy of Passports of both spouses and/or other photo ID.
If applying in person, an appointment is required, by booking on-line in the e-CONSULATE.
If you are applying in person, your signatures on the Application form and the Statement will be witnessed by the Consular Officer. If applying by post, your signatures must be witnessed by a Justice of the Piece.
Note: If this is not the first marriage, the divorced spouse's Birth Certificate from the Civil Registry of Births in Serbia, should be annotated that the previous marriage has been dissolved.
Application fee: AUD$ 21.00
Note: You can find the payment instructions for fees on the homepage.
Please Note: all documents issued by foreign authorities (AUS/NZ) must be legalised by Apostille, in order to be accepted by the Serbian authorities. Apostille certificates are issued by the relevant government department:
For additional information, please refer to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of RS web site under Status issues and civil registry.