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Notification of death of deceased persons abroad

In order to register a death of a person deceased in Australia or NZ, in the Civil Registry of Deaths in Serbia, please provide the following documents:

1. Completed Application Form, No 16 (MS WORD or PDF form);

2. Original Death Certificate legalised with an “Apostille” certificate and translated into Serbian language, in cyrillic, by a certified NAATI translator (naati.com.au).

3. Valid Serbian passport (for cancellation purposes) or certified copy of other Serbian document of identification, of the deceased person;

4. Photo-copy of Passport/drivers licence of the person completing the application for registration of death.

Application fee: AUD$ 21.00.

Note: You can find the payment instructions for fees on the homepage.

For lodgement in person, an appointment is required, by booking on-line in the e-CONSULATE.

Apostille Certificate is issued by the relevant government department:

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Consular services
Notification of death of deceased persons abroad
Obtaining documents
Visas for Montenegro
List of received biometric passports
Travel Documents
Registration of birth and citizenship of a child
Notification of marriage that was performed by a foreign authority
Repatriation of Human Remains to Serbia
Documents Certification
Military Service
Other Services
Travel Abroad
Consular Fees